
This week's quotable was actually printed in our bulletin this morning. Our pastors have been preaching through the Ten Commandments and teaching about the heart issues that underlie them. It amazes me how closely the commandments are all interwoven, mainly reflecting issues of idolatry but also incorporating themes of thievery and adultery. Paul Tripp says it beautifully in this quote from Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands:

"At its core, sin is moral thievery. It steals the worship that rightly belongs to God and gives it to someone or something else. It robs the Trinity to purchase the creation. Every sinner is in some way a worship thief.

At its center, sin is also spiritual adultery. It takes the love that belongs to God alone and gives it to someone or something else. It is a life shaped by the satisfaction of cravings, rather than by heartfelt commitment and faithfulness. Every sinner is in some way a spiritual adulterer.

The deepest issues of life are issues of worship. Worship is more fundamental to our essential nature than the pain, pressures, or pleasures of our experiences. What we worship determines our responses to all our experiences. Sin is much more than doing the wrong thing. It begins with loving, worshiping, and serving the wrong thing."

I pray that, by God's grace, He alone will occupy the throne of my heart all the days of my life. May I never give the worship due Him to something less or else than my God.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I have come to love the ten commandments! I have been told in the past that we either ignore the commandments (because we are under grace) or we observe them and become legalists (especially in relation to the Sabbath-rest). But in reality the commandments peer into the heart of God and of Man. They help us to further understand our sin and God's desire for true worship and circumsized hearts. thanks for the post:-)