Don't tell my husband, but there is a new love in my life.
It's called Dunkin' Donuts Hazelnut Coffee.
We are having an affair, and we are very happy together. Particularly when there is Half-n-Half in the refrigerator.
It's really not my fault. Joel invited this little devil into our home, and now it will never, ever be allowed to go away. At least not until well after this semester is over.
I have had two cups today alone, and that's saying something for a woman who couldn't stand the taste of coffee until graduate school, and even then had to dilute it to something you could pour over your pancakes. I am trying to wean off the cream and sugar, with limited success.
Hey, I like my coffee like I like my men: blond and sweet. (read: Joel, if I flatter you will you please forgive me for taking up with a delicious beverage when I should be devoted to the husband of my youth?)
This is making me thirsty...I think I'll brew another cup...just as soon as I make another bathroom run. My kidneys have never been so....efficient.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
don't blame me - blame my parents during their visit! if my memory serves me right, my dad was the one pushing coffee with delicious half-n-half on all of us.
Liz, I really understand your affair with hazelnut. He is very tempting and....well...delicious *blush, giggle*
Does Jonny Wilson know about this??
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