With the help of our friends the Shomos, we discovered the beauty of First Landing State Park. The Shomos brought baby Cullen in his Jeep stroller (definitely built for some off-roading) and their two whippets, Smarty and Scoche. We brought....sunglasses. And a camera!
Here is Cullen all ready to go in his seriously hardcore stroller (it has an odometer, built-in tunes, and check out those wheels!).
And the entire happy family...Joel walked in the back, so there really are no pictures of anyone's face but Cullen's (not necessarily a bad thing, he's cute enough for all of us).
We enjoyed two hours of pleasant, if not aimless, hiking. Some of us may have experienced difficulty interpreting the complicated maps provided at the service building. But I'm not mentioning any names. We saw a LOT more of the park than we intended...or maybe it's a lot less, since we never made it to that lake... Regardless, we had a fantastic time walking and talking with Cheryl and Ken and co., and it was great to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having. Thanks, Shomos, for introducing us to First Landing!
Was, of course, Joel's birthday! He's the big 2-4!
Happy birthday, oh husband of my youth!
We celebrated by worshiping together in spirit and in truth, and then eating lots of yummy food at the College & Career lunch after church. It's nice of them to let us attend things, because we're not in college anymore and not so much on the career track yet either. Anyway, I brought an orange cake (Joel's request - so unconventional, that one!) and Turkey Hill ice cream (his favorite!) to make it a true birthday celebration. And of course we all sang to him. Joel was grateful for his First Landing-induced sunburn, which hid his flaming embarrassment at being the center of attention.
In between church and lunch, we hurried home so I could make the cake, and so that he could open his presents (who wants to wait til after lunch?). Doesn't he look lovely surrounded by his gifts?
Incidentally, there is no birthday wrapping paper in our home. Hence, multitudes of gift bags that we have received from others along the way. If I had been able to successfully upload a photo from my birthday, you would have noticed that it looks remarkably similar. Almost as though all the same gifts were present at my birthday, and simply a different smiling birthday face hovering above them. Ah, the beauty of re-gifting. We're starting to really get attached to these bags - especially the Hawaiian shirt one, and the huge one on the left that is useful for ironically giving really tiny gifts. It'll be a sad day when we have to let one go and buy a new one. Or (gasp) wrapping paper! Maybe we should do that sooner rather than later. We're probably stunting the development of our gift-wrapping skills. I wonder when the critical period is, beyond which it will be impossible to learn how to wrap tightly with sharp corners.
Oh, the Geekdom that is my life.
At least my husband thinks I'm funny. Although...I wasn't really trying to be funny. This is the WAY I THINK, people. The nerdy psychology jokes just COME to me. Consider yourself warned: Stay away from psychology school if you're not prepared for it to happen to you!
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