Today is Tuesday. I haven't blogged in almost a week, so I feel I should update all three of you on what's been going on (even though I spent the entire weekend with Becca, so that takes care of one of my readers...).
1. I'm tired.
2. We had a fabulous weekend with Scott and Becca and the rest of the family. Many thanks to the New Jersey Pearces for your love and hospitality. It was so good to see you! Also, congratulations to Dan for earning enough points to be allowed back.
3. My car. is STILL. NOT. DONE. Don't even get me started.
4. The zoom-zoom was, thankfully, finished on Wednesday in time for us to get a late-ish start to New Jersey. We were there by 12:30, which wasn't too bad, and Scott and Becca even stayed up (sort of) to welcome us.
5. Joel and I began the summer semester at our respective schools yesterday. Yippee skippee for more classes!
6. Brittany will graduate this weekend and then come live with us to be our personal domestic servant for the whole summer! Er, I mean our esteemed guest. We can't wait!
7. Welcome home to Mom and Dad Steele, who were wined and dined in a castle in Switzerland, overlooking Geneva Lake, for a week thanks to my dad's astronomical work performance in the last year. Kudos, and we can't wait to see pictures!
I think that about sums it up. Sorry for my brevity today, but consider it a reprieve from the lengthy posts last week. I'm pooped, and I blame our weekend travel and my incredible productivity in the last few days. Did I mention we're getting ready for a houseguest?
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
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