"What wondrous love is this, that though I raise my clenched fist He opened up my hand to receive His gifts." (What Wondrous Love is This, Indelible Grace II: Pilgrim Days)
But for His grace, I am among the throng of angry people crying for His crucifixion. Without His breath upon me, I am still a heart of stone. Though it is my clenched fist that I raise against him, to war against His love, He meets it with mercy. It is the tenderness of a father who looks down upon his little child, beating against his knees in anger that belies despair. In my desperate state, I can do naught to save myself; yet without His opening of my eyes, I see not my own peril. I am drowning as I curse the shore, infatuated with the danger that is my undoing.
But deep calls unto deep, and the One who first gave my heart life suddenly causes it to throb anew within me. Though I struggle and fight, He holds me gently, yet strongly. Finally I realize that it is He who gives life, not I who claim it. My salvation is in my submission to the grace that irresistibly calls my name.
Peace, my daughter. Peace, and be still (Psalm 46:10). Know that I am the Lord who rescues you from the muck and the mire, and sets your feet upon a firm place (Psalm 40:2). I who knit you together in a fearful, wonderful way have written your name indelibly in heaven, in My book of life (Psalm 139:14, Hebrews 12:23). You are mine, and those who the Father has given to Me will never be snatched from My hand (John 10:29).
Be assured of these, My promises. I Am Who I Am (Exodus 3:14), and My Word is true and eternal (Matthew 24:35).
Beloved, your salvation lies not in your own hands, but you are in the hand of the Father who holds you fast (Psalm 139:5-10). In the darkest of nights, the stormiest of places, rely not on your own surety but have confidence that the One who redeemed you will be faithful (Psalm 100:5). When you are pressed, you will not be crushed. Though persecuted, not abandoned. Struck down, but never destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:7-9). We are blessed beyond the curse, for His promise endures that He will preserve our life forever (Psalm 119:50).
It is neither feelings nor experience that saves you. Trust not your soul to high places made by man, through music and pretty words - anyone can be swept away by a charismatic leader and catchy tune.
But trust the Word of the Lord, which is true. You who believe in your hearts that Jesus is the Christ, crucified in atonement and raised from the dead in glory, and confess Him as Lord over your life, you are rescued (Romans 10:9). Doubt not, for neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
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