I'm not sure why I do these things to myself, but this week has been a culmination of all the most stressful factors possible.
First of all, it is the Week of Pre-Reckoning. This is the period preceding the Days of Reckoning on Friday and Monday, wherein we learn our APPIC fate. So there is a wee bit of the stress. Even though it is all in the Lord's hands, it's like my brain still insists on short-circuiting all my happy coping strategies of prayer and focusing on the promises of God. I am experiencing significant psychomotor agitation and general feelings of physiological arousal. These are more commonly known as freaking out, in the bodily sense.
Also there are the hormones, which shall not be spoken of further. Suffice it to say that I elected to be a huge craving bundle of moods this week.
And finally, I sent my precious Mac to depart from my presence. [Aside: can you tell I just started the book of Judges as I read through the Bible? All sorts of catchy phrases from the Pentateuch peppering my speech these days...] My laptop did nothing worse than freeze up a few times in the last couple of months, and perhaps spontaneously reboot once or twice. And here I have practically disowned it, all in the name of more reliable performance and less anemic start-up sound. Oh and hopefully a replacement keyboard cover. New innards, new outards, I will hardly recognize Elizabeth's Mac when it returns to me.
So anyway, I am without several key coping mechanisms [laptop, emotional stability] during this leadup to the D.o.R. At least we have a bucket o' monster cookies and a Wii to see me through! Not to mention the bottle of rum we bought on a whim last week, before I remembered that I don't really care for rum and Coke. [I had a rum and Coke alongside a few slices of pizza for dinner, and made a horrendous face after my first sip. Me: "Ew, it's so strong!" Joel: "Not really." Me: "Really?" Joel: "If you wanted it to taste like Coke, you should have just had a glass of Coke." Me: "......"]
Also on Thursday evening I went to McDonalds for a double cheeseburger and fries at 10:00 at night. What am I, in college?
So the irrational choices are plentiful, and I'm sure they are not a sign of worse things to come during these last few days before D.o.R.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
1 comment:
whoa Liz...is Joel in hiding? I would be. We are so excited for Friday, and are praying every time we think of it! It will soon be over...and you will feel so much better. Btw, you are so lucky to have monster cookies, I think I'll make them this week!
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