If you've been on Facebook in the last month or so, you're no doubt familiar with the "25 Things" meme that has been making the rounds. I've been tagged by a handful of friends who apparently are dying to learn 25 new things about me. So, for better or worse, I've trolled the dark recesses of my brain and come up with "25 Things" that just might make you want your two minutes back. Read on at your own peril.
1. I'm married to a man who could not be more perfect for me.
2. When I wear my large hoop earrings, black guys hit on me. Seriously. I'm wearing them right now.
3. I did not like onions until I was in college.
4. To get my current hairstyle, I took a photo of Posh Spice to the hair salon.
5. Joel and I are totally enmeshed with our cats and regularly have conversations with them.
6. I don't think there are 25 interesting things about me, so you might want to bail out now.
7. God willing, I will receive my doctorate in Clinical Psychology in May 2010.
8. The entire front left wheel once flew off my car while driving at a speed of about 55 mph. The lugs were completely sliced through. To this day, there is no satisfactory explanation for why this happened.
9. I knit like a fiend, and can even do cable patterns.
10. I have played the piano for 23 years now.
11. I am a huge nerd.
12. I display features of OCD, including a compulsive need to make sure the covers are centered before I can get in bed at night. Joel loves this about me.
13. The tastiest alcoholic beverage I have ever enjoyed was a Pomegranate Mojito from Uno Chicago Grill.
14. I got the new ESV Study Bible for Christmas and decided to read through it in a year. I'm currently in the book of Judges.
15. Reading the Old Testament is fabulous for my vocabulary. I say fun things like "go out and depart from my presence." See 11 above.
16. My sister will marry a boy on July 3, and it kind of freaks me out. In a good way.
17. There will always be a special place in my heart for Atari, my first video game love.
18. My favorite flower is the alstremaria, and I have no idea how to spell it.
19. I rule at Yoshi on the original NES.
20. One day I will write a book. I'm just not sure what it will be about.
21. I read books on theology for fun and can speak haltingly about major church movements in the past century.
22. My best Wii age is 22.
23. I love to do home renovations/remodeling, and have acquired mad skillz in the areas of applying texture to walls, doing those popcorn ceilings with my bare hands, patching bad walls, and covering doorknobs with a latex glove and masking tape. Thank you Michele.
24. I have a lot of dreams concerning babies. I hope that they are prophetic.
25. There is nothing more amazing than flying through waist-high mud on a four-wheeler.
The End. Hey, you can't say I didn't warn you.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
love you liz!!!
I do believe you spelled it correctly. the flower.
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