I don't know whether you observe Happy Hallmark Day or perhaps its melancholy backside, Singles Awareness Day. Whatever your celebratory status, whether you plan to clink champagne glasses to another year of love, or drown your sorrows in a large vat of Hershey's Special Dark, don't get too awfully carried away. I can't even wrap my brain around the contrived ridiculousness of February 14. Your degree of worth and fullness of Love Bank do not suddenly and dramatically change tonight at the stroke of midnight. GOSH.
Do Joel and I intend to celebrate? WELL. It just so happens that in our living room at this very moment is a large, ostentatious basket of long-stemmed roses, inside of which lies a gold-plated brick of Godiva that, once consumed, will reveal a slightly smudged, brand-new Wii!! A gift straight from the heart of the husband of my youth.
Ok, so there is a Wii, but it's actually still sealed in its very mediocre FedEx box and has nothing fancy about it whatsoever. And it's not a gift from my husband, we decided to combine birthday budgets and spend it all two months early. We ordered it from Best Buy and it's sheer coincidence that it arrived the day before Valentine's Day.
Romantic and full of magic, our marriage is.
[Who am I, Yoda?]
So don't bother calling, and don't knock on the door. We will be MIA tomorrow, creating Miis and bowling like it's going out of style. Because it's not out of style yet. At all. And it couldn't matter less that tomorrow is Valentine's Day because we love each other with the fire of a thousand suns every single day of our lives. No fancy-pants flowers or cards needed.
Take THAT, Hallmark.
And yes, our thoughts toward Valentine's Day may change dramatically when we can afford fancy-pants flowers and cards. Right now we're too busy scraping together our nickels and dimes to pay off this Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
do you know that you guys are the coolest people I know? :-) Happy Halmark day, have fun with that Wii!!!
p.s. I love how you jump from atari games to high-tech wii.
Cullen gives a big THANK YOU for waiting a whole day to open that Wii, so you could spend time with him. And bless his parents. Thank you. Of course, we realize that Joel had to stay here a little longer since you (Elizabeth) ran home to open the box early...
Now by the way, is your disdain for Valentine's Day related to its consumerist nature? Or to its attempt to make you find your worth in earthly treasures? I'm a bit confused.
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