Joel and I are so pleased and humbled to announce the results of the match.
We matched!!!!!!
More accurately, I matched, but there's whole one flesh thing, so...
We are so much indebted to the grace of God that indeed our first thought and statement regarding this news is praise God! To Him be all of the glory, for there is nothing I've done to deserve an internship position more than the many who have not matched today. We will spend every day of our internship year thanking Him for the opportunity to be there, and for me to graduate in 2010!
News from my friends continues to trickle in. Some will match, and others will go on to the Clearinghouse on Monday. Please continue to pray for the many who have learned this morning that the emotional roller coaster is not quite over. We knew that not all of us would match, and in the final shake-down there are many who will be disappointed. This reality serves to humble me yet further, and brings me to my knees in absolute gratitude to the Lord. He is no less good and gracious to those who have not matched today, and my prayer is that they will go forward in faith that they are about to learn much of His love and providence.
Soli, soli, soli deo gloria
I don't know whether that works in Latin, but you get the idea.
Also, the title of this post made me think of that song "That, that I shall never breathe again (breathe again, breathe again)". I have to say, I did not expect to think of Toni Braxton on match day.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
Toni Braxton...ah, middle school...
matched WHERE???
stay tuned till monday, bra
Thank you for spelling the Latin correctly. I don't know if Luther would have repeated the adjective "soli" like that, but hey, it means "glory to God alone, alone, alone" if that's what YOU meant, then sweet.
Oh, and congrats, too.
Huge praises and exultations going on in this household...
Yes the emphasis was intended to highlight the alone-ness of God's glory, so - sweet! I'm so good at Latin!
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