Well you know where it must be a cold day (and I don't mean just at the oceanfront) when Virginia Beach has a winter storm warning. We might get 3-6 inches of snow by tomorrow evening! Snowfall of this magnitude is enough to shut down the entire Hampton Roads area for the day - given our lack of snow tires, road salt, and driving wherewithal.
The best part?
This would mean Day Three of hanging out at home with my hubby! I think I am praying harder for a snow day tomorrow than I ever did in grade school, even though there are no sledding hills around here for miles.
Joel and I enjoyed a very strange Sunday yesterday after I arrived home around 4 a.m. We had the best intentions of attending church but after my marathon drive (involving an accidental and most unhelpful detour) and the tail end of a stomach bug, we slept in all the way til eleven! To make up for missing church, we watched part of a DVD on the Reformation when we had finished our pancakes and hash browns.
Then today was MLK Day (not to be confused with MILK Day. Sometimes I don't read so good. But that's another story.), so of course the Chamber was closed along with Regent. Another day to while away together!
And so if this snow thing does indeed come to pass, I believe it will be the Lord's way of blessing Joel and me with a solid three days together in between my five-day road trips. He always knows just what we need!
Photographic evidence of snow angels and sculptures to come, I hope! Or we might, you know, stay inside where it's warm and brew lots of African-flavored coffee, seeing as how my snow pants are at my parents' house in PA.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
- Glad you made it home safely
- I'm preparing for a blizzard, Cheryl is convinced there will be absolutely no snow.
- Joe Rossetti claims there is great sledding at Mount T...
considering that i'm writing this from work on said "snow day", i'm praying to be sent home early ;-)
Ken, considering there is a fine line in Va Beach between "blizzard" and "absolutely no snow", you may both turn out to be somewhat correct. Here's to shutting down the city over 2 inches of precipitation!
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