Do you know what this is?
It's a baby bug. And it's bitten me. HARD. Metaphorically, because if that little baby had really bitten me I'd be majorly freaked out. Anyway...
You know how they say "Once bitten, twice shy"? Well, this would be the exact opposite. This is more like "Once bitten, twice insanely desirous of enlarging one's family by means of a sweet, adorable, beautiful little baby." Sigh.
My husband's reaction when he saw me upload this picture?
Him: "What's that?"
Me: "A baby bug." (no further explanation whatsoever of what the post will be about)
Him: (sighs and bows head) "Oh honey."
Alas, I have another two years in the program. Although Mr. Wonderful tells me this might translate to only another year and a half before we begin attempting to make our dreams come true. Because deep down he really really wants to have a baby too, he just won't admit to it because that would REALLY fuel my baby issues :-).
But he and I have done some baby shopping, and reached a few conclusions. This is the most beautiful baby ever. And this one is the absolute manliest - I can already see him watching football and throwing back a brewskie with the guys. Believe it or not, the little Cullen is a good three months (if not more - don't remember exact birthdays) older than Brody boy in the second link. Which would you prefer to give birth to? You have my utmost respect, Christine!
I want one...
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