Well, this is it. My blogging debut. Given my track record in things requiring diligence, this will be updated quite regularly - if you can count twice a year as "regular". At least I'm consistent.
Why enter the blogosphere, you ask? I wish I could say it's because I'm such an intriguing person, or because I have such profound things to add to the interweb. More likely it's the result of peer pressure, though unspoken, on the part of my husband. Or perhaps a growing desire to be like one of my favorite bloggers, Big Mama. Basically, I just want to try my hand at this Revealing My Inner Workings thing that bloggers seem to do so wittily (is that a word? I'm in trouble already...)
Who am I, and why should you care? The first is far easier to answer than the second, but I'll do what I can. I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend...a doctoral student in clinical psychology, a music director. More important than all these put together is my identity in Christ. I am a daughter of the Most High. As such, I am learning the beauty of trusting Him for daily provision, both physical and spiritual. This life is crazy stressful, as I'm sure you can relate. Many people have a full plate; I feel as though I could daily feed a small family from my heaping portions. I work hard to discover what it means to be a ChristianWifeCareerWomanFutureMom, only to find that the answer to this tricky balance lies in waiting...waiting and resting.
Like I'm good at those things.
Which is the point of this blog, I suppose. Welcome to the inner workings of an everyday wanderer (scary, I know). Wanderer, you ask? Allow me to explain...
According to the Good Book, my citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20), and according to my heart, my loyalty is to the King of Kings. As such, I am an alien in a land not my own, wandering until my work is done and my Savior calls me home. My hope is in the salvation of the Lord, and in His Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). While He may only illuminate the next step in the darkness, He promises that my trust in Him will be rewarded with His direction (Prov 3:5-6).
I almost said "a clear path", but we all know that the Lord is only too glad to provide "learning experiences" along the way. The path is not so much Clear as it is What Is Necessary to Shape Me. I suppose this blog could have been called something like "Thoughts of a Lump of Clay"...but somehow that seems to have less literary appeal.
Another angle to my title is the whole Shepherd/sheep analogy. Matthew 18:12-14 talks about the shepherd who has 100 sheep. One wanders off, and the shepherd leaves the 99 and goes in search of the precious one that is lost. The story goes on to say that in the same way, "your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost."
I guess what I'm saying is that I have a tendency to wander off. Metaphorically, of course.
Ergo, in addition to being an "ordinary" wanderer, I also feel like I find myself wandering every day. So the title really works both ways: everyday wanderer, and every day wanderer. See what I did there? Too perfect...
So welcome to my journey. I hope to share my thoughts and struggles as a newish wife, grad student, ministry leader, and all-around ordinary girl. I hope to also share some lessons learned, perhaps even some successes. Don't get too excited, my life isn't exactly exciting or profound on a daily basis.
But it is a work in progress.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
It is so nice to see your face and to read about what you've been up to! I feel like it has been forever since we've had time to catch up. Can't wait to visit in July!!
I can't wait to see you, too! I hope you keep up with my blog- I'll try to update frequently and keep it interesting. It's so exciting to have found yet another means of procrastination from schoolwork!
welcome to the addicting/somewhat absurd world of blogging, honey. not like you needed another distraction, but at least it's more productive or socially acceptable than dice wars!
Cool, another to add to the feed reader... FEED ME.. FEED ME!!
Welcome. Like most things in life, it's cool for awhile, and you'll post a lot in the first few weeks/months. Then the novelty will where off and you'll only post to say 'sorry I haven't posted' for a few months. Then magically it happens... You become a blogger.
Or you don't. :-)
Nice to 'see' you. Looks like you've got a nice head start on posts already. Excellent!
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