Guava? Kiwi? Papaya sounds sophisticated. But would passion fruit convey better the zeal with which I am applying for an internship?
Allow me to explain my dilemma.
Now, I am a perfectionist. And internship applications represent the epitome of OCD-requiring endeavors. My packets are characterized by ivory linen paper, all staples going in the same direction (perpendicular, not diagonal), matching ivory envelopes for reference letters, bright white paper for the AAPI and essays (98 brightness, not 96), and elegant clear labels so as not to clash with the 9x12 ivory packet envelopes. These suckers are gonna look SHARP and attention-grabbing - at least for the first five seconds before some secretary tears into it and dumps all the materials unceremoniously in a training director's inbox. But I digress. The emphasis here is on my anality and how everything must convey the utmost in professionalism and conservatism.
Imagine my delight yesterday at the post office when I requested stamps for my return postcards and the nice postal worker whipped out these little beauties:

Granted, it could have been worse...

But I'm still left debating the first-impression psychology of pomegranates against a baby blue background vs. guava against a soft pink. Tell me, which tropical fruit speaks most deeply to you?
star fruit is the prettiest, first only to the kiwi...yum! can you send us a copy of this application? it sounds like something i could have matted and put on my wall for decoration.
You sometimes remind me of the wife of the adopting couple in the movie Juno.
P.S. Becca is pregnant and her comment doesn't quite make sense ('first only to the kiwi'?). She's with me.
P.P.S. Are the stamps scratch-n-sniff?
Tragically, they are not scratch-n-sniff, though if they were I'm pretty sure I would be a shoo-in for any internship I wanted.
I sometimes remind me of the wife in Juno also. Sigh.
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