Like I said to my sister-in-law this morning, it's amazing what any idiot with an internet connection can do!
I'd like to present a new website for your viewing and marriage-enhancing pleasure:
I hope to have it up and running with its own domain within the next few days at - but I'll keep you posted on that!
What are my goals for the site? I hope to build a collection of tools and resources both for people in marriages, and for people who like to help marriages. Spouses and clinicians can peruse helpful marriage tools and current research. Knowledge is power, and I hope to equip my little corner of the interweb with lots of marriage muscle!
Watch for content, and tell your friends. I hope to gain a respectable following and perhaps one day contribute to my own client base (when I'm licensed and settled in a practice, of course).
Oh, and there's an option on the website to email me with questions and feedback. If you have thoughts about what would be helpful to include, or issues to address, I welcome your suggestions!
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
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