So my blogging seems to be slowing down a bit. I attribute that to the heat - everything slows down when it gets above 90, right? And also to the crazyness that is summer semester. I have two five-week classes, which means that I am spending 13 hours a week in class as opposed to about half that many during a regular semester. I am also continuing to see clients at my practica site (sort of...when they show up...see my post about respecting your therapist from back in April). Plus starting to study for comps, and working on my dissertation when I have time. And planning music for the summer, as well as attending physical therapy twice a week for the next several weeks (see my post about my back pain, and how I procrastinate). In short, the things to do, they are plentiful. And here I am having not posted for almost a week. I figured it was the least I could do to throw a few words up here for those of you who remain interested and let you know that I am, in fact, still toiling upon the face of the earth and have not, as it might seem, fallen off of it.
Thank you, please return to whatever more interesting things you were doing a moment ago.
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
Actually, in the Physics/Chemistry world (ie. the real world), most everything speeds up with increased temperature.
That is true enough. I guess it is mainly whole people who slow down as their molecules speed up, at least when it get oppressively hot. Kind of like a bell curve I suppose - there's an optimal temperature at which we peak and then it's downhill from there.
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