Wouldn't it be neat if I set a blogging goal of posting each day this week about something for which I am thankful?
It would last until tomorrow, when Joel and I will take the road before us until the wee hours, driving over the river and dashing through the snow to get home for the holidays.
Could there be more cheesy musical allusions in one sentence? I think not.
Anyway, right, I don't foresee myself blogging terribly much for the rest of the week.
But two days in a row of blogging about thankfulness constitutes a legitimate blogging streak, don't you think? A veritable trend.
And for what am I thankful today? I thought you'd never ask.
Today, the Lord shined His light of providence into my life and illuminated just the next step or two of this long, windy road I tread. Today, He saw fit to grant assurance that the last four years of my life have not been in vain. Today, I was officially invited for an interview at the Reading Hospital and Medical Center!
Praise God for condescending to the needs of my weak, human heart. I've been trusting Him to the best of my abilities - and it has required a daily laying down of my fears and anxieties at His feet! I am grateful that He has seen fit to lighten my heart's burden by showing me tangible evidence of His continuing provision. This interview doesn't guarantee me an internship spot by any means, but it does mean that the next small hurdle has been leaped and God has rolled out the road just that much further beneath my feet.
I really was going to wait until Thanksgiving to tell y'all important people "in person", or at least over the phone, but I am just overflowing with excitement! I just had to tell the good news, and what better way to tell the fewest possible people than to post it on my blog?
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago